Holy Week events
Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Palms 10:00 am; 4/14
Holy Wednesday: Lenten Soup & Study 5:30 pm; 4/17
Lenten Vespers 7:05 pm
Maundy Thursday: Contemplative Worship with Lord’s Supper 7:00 pm; 4/18
Good Friday: Walk of the Cross 6:00 pm; 4/19
(Meets at First Baptist Jefferson)
Easter Sunday: Sunrise Service 7:30 am; 4/20
Easter Breakfast 8:30 am
Easter Egg Hunt 9:15 am
Easter Worship 10:00 am
Holy Wednesday: Lenten Soup & Study 5:30 pm; 4/17
Lenten Vespers 7:05 pm
Maundy Thursday: Contemplative Worship with Lord’s Supper 7:00 pm; 4/18
Good Friday: Walk of the Cross 6:00 pm; 4/19
(Meets at First Baptist Jefferson)
Easter Sunday: Sunrise Service 7:30 am; 4/20
Easter Breakfast 8:30 am
Easter Egg Hunt 9:15 am
Easter Worship 10:00 am