Social Justice runs through our veins
In 1831 the First Congregational United Church of Christ was founded. Then in 1844 just 4 years before the Seneca Falls Suffrage Convention, Betsy Mix Cowels held a Suffrage Convention in our church. In 1845 anti-slavery Women Abbie Kelley gave a lecture at our church. The church also had notable woman suffragists Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone and Dr. Anna Shaw spoke about women’s right to vote.
On May 27th 1859, Abolitionist, John Brown was a speaker and preached to the congregation. George Harris, the man who Harriet Beecher Stowe's, Uncle Tom's Cabin was crafted after came and spoke to the congregation as well.
In the 1960's Rev. Robert Cetina went to Mississippi to register African Americans to vote during the Civil Rights Era.
In 2003 Rev. David T Hill, marched with thousands in Washington D.C and New York City against the Second Gulf War.
On May 27th 1859, Abolitionist, John Brown was a speaker and preached to the congregation. George Harris, the man who Harriet Beecher Stowe's, Uncle Tom's Cabin was crafted after came and spoke to the congregation as well.
In the 1960's Rev. Robert Cetina went to Mississippi to register African Americans to vote during the Civil Rights Era.
In 2003 Rev. David T Hill, marched with thousands in Washington D.C and New York City against the Second Gulf War.

In recent years the church has hosted several Social Justice Events.
August - Candlelight Vigil for Opiate Addiction
September - Just - Peace Sunday
October - Access Sunday
December - Candlelight Vigil for World Aids Day
February - Elder Monica Beasley Martin spoke and re-enacted Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Women?"
April - Prayers for Peace for Syria and Egypt
May - Immigrants Rights Sunday
Mental Health Sunday , with guest speaker Bridget Hoff Sherman.
June - Hartsgrove Charter and Elder Monica Beasley Martin. Robert Boggs gave a lecture on the Hartsgrove Charter and Elder Monica Beasley Martin spoke and re-enacted Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Women?"
April - March for Our Lives: A discussion about gun reform.
Opiates... What is a Church To Do? Spring Workshop.
August - Walk of Hope and Recovery with the EOWRA Opiate Prophetic Wintess Team in Austinburg,OH